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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Birdwatching in Nicaragua-Video of El Porvenir Trip 2013

birding in Nicaragua
Blue-crowned Motmot - known in Nicaragua as the Guardabarranco. Click on picture to see video! Photo by Max Schellekens.
More than 700 bird species have been documented in Nicaragua to date. Our staff member Jeffrey McCrary, a scientist research birds in Laguna de Apoyo and other parts of Nicaragua, accompanied a group of birdwatchers organized by El Porvenir in a trip earlier this year, where they saw about half of them in just over a week of birdwatching. Click on the Blue-crowned Motmot to see a half-hour video about the trip.
Birding Nicaragua
Among the more common hummingbirds in the western region of Nicaragua is Salvin's Emerald, Chlorostilbon canivetii. Photo Max Schellekens.

birding Nicaragua
A Salvin's Emerald doing what hummingbirds do best. Photo Max Schellekens.
Contact us if you would like a birdwatching guide. We can arrange a birdwatching tour of Laguna de Apoyo Nature Reserve or other locations in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua birds
Click on the "escudo" to contact us.

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