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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wild animals deserve to be free, not in cages

The rights of animals as pets have recently been raised to the status of law in Nicaragua, with the passage of Law 747, for the protection and welfare of domestic animals and domesticated wild animals. We, however, argue that a fundamental flaw exists in this legislation, in treating wild animals in the same way as domestic animals. Dogs, cats, cows and other animals have co-evolved in intimate association with humans, so that now, they are not viable in populations independent of interactions with humans. On the other hand, the animals we see in the following photos have not co-evolved as pets. They are wildlife, not pets. Putting these animals in cages makes them prisoners, not friends of humans. They all need to be free to live and die in their natural habitat, not forced to be close to humans. 

FUNDECI/GAIA and Movimiento Ambiental Guardabarranco  are collaborating in a campaign to stop the cruel treatment of wild animals in the pet trade in our area. We have liberated several animals that were mistreated and we hope to achieve more liberations. 

wild animals Nicaragua
This Chestnut-billed Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) lives in depressingly cramped quarters in a preschool in Masaya. Photo by Ilse Diaz. 
wild animals Nicaragua
Gimme five! Lemme out! Photo by Ilse Diaz. 

Sciurus variegatoides
These squirrels are depressed because they do not belong in cages. Why do people think this is a good thing to do? Photo by Ilse Diaz. 
wild animals
These variegated squirrels (Sciurus variegatoides) are in very cramped quarters, and have become listless. They will die of sadness if their conditions do not change soon. Photo by Ilse Diaz.

variegated squirrel
The poor health of this variegated squirrel is evident from his patchy fur. He is extremely unhappy in a cramped cage which is torturing him. Photo by Ilse Diaz.

wild animals Nicaragua
This Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii) can not even hop in his cage, because the roof is so low. He only has less than one meter of vertical clearance. Photo by Ilse Diaz. 

Amazona albifrons
This White-fronted Amazon Parrot is all alone in a small cage. Photo by Ilse Diaz.

Parrots Nicaragua
These two Mealy Amazon Parrots (Amazona farinosa) can not even think of flying. Photo by Ilse Diaz.

Nicaragua wildlife
Raccoons definitely do not belong in cages. They should be free to roam in the forest. This is cruelty! Photo by Ilse Diaz.
These sad photographs of cruelty to wild animals were shared with us by Ilse Diaz of Movimiento Ambiental Guardabarranco in Masaya, Nicaragua. Would you like to volunteer with us to stop the trade in wild animals in Nicaragua? Please contact us for more information.
wildlife in Nicaragua
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